Meet the Wisemama Team
מייסדות העמותה הינן נשים ששילבו ומשלבות הורות ולימודים, ומפעילות את המיזם בהצלחה משנת 2020, ושואפות להפוך אותו לפרויקט לאומי.
הסיפור של רלי בריל, מייסדת שותפה של הפרויקט והעמותה:
Meet the Wisemama Team

Yael Shamas Maimon
Co-founder of Wisemama.
Doctoral student in the Department of Psychology and a statistics lecturer. Researching context sensitivity in perceiving emotional expressions and cross-cultural differences in emotion perception and expression.
Mother of two lovely children born during her doctorate.

Dr. Orly Avraham
Part of the Wisemama project since its inception, mentor, coordinator, and now a member of the NPO.
Postdoctoral researcher in computational structural biology at the Hebrew University.
Mother of Stav, born during her doctorate, and Tamar, ___, and ___, born during her post doctorate.

Maya Leker
Co-founder of Wisemama.
Doctoral student at the School of Psychology at Tel Aviv University, researching the encoding of new information through semantic learning and long-term memory.
Mother of three daughters, with the eldest born near the start of her first degree and the youngest during her doctorate.